Buna seara tuturor!..Utzy,multumim pentru cafeluta (care pe deasupra mai este si muzicala).. Criss,o seara frumoasa si tie...IzaB,bine ai venit la cafenea-iti doresc deasemenea o seara frumoasa
Tuba Buyukustun will be starring in a new movie entitled "Madamik" soon.
After delivering her twins Maya and Toprak back in January, Turkish beauty Tuba Buyukustun has refused all offers that came her way for new shows. The last offer she turned down was the leading role for “Dila Hanem” series, but it seems something has finally caught her attention. According to director Tomris Giritlioglu ,Tuba has accepted to star in her next movie entitled “Madimak”, where she will play the role of the young attractive hotel girl. Tomris insisted that she wants no one else for this role and that Tuba holds a special place in her heart. That being said, preparations are in the works to start filming next spring of 2013.
Buna seara tuturor!..Utzy,multumim pentru cafeluta (care pe deasupra mai este si muzicala).. Criss,o seara frumoasa si tie...IzaB,bine ai venit la cafenea-iti doresc deasemenea o seara frumoasa
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utzy Administrator
Mesaje : 52510 Data de inscriere : 10/11/2011 Varsta : 57