A Moment to Remember Profile Movie: A Moment to Remember
Revised romanization: Nae Meorisokui Jiwoogae
Hangul: 내 머리속의 지우개
Director: John H. Lee
Writer: Kim Young-Ha, John H. Lee
Producer: Cha Seung-Jae, No Jong-Yoon, Kim Sang-Min, Lee Young-Pil
Cinematography: Lee Joon-Kyu
Release Date: November 5, 2004
Runtime: 117 min.
Genre: Romance / Melodrama / Tearjerker
Production Company: Sidus Pictures, CJ Entertainment
Distributor: CJ Entertainment
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Plot27-year-old fashion designer Soo-Jin (Son Ye-Jin) goes into a convenience store to buy a Coke, but accidentally leaves it on the counter. Remembering the Coke, Soo-Jin walks back to the store and sees a man (Jung Woo-Sung) walking out of the store with a can of Coke. Soo-Jin, believing the drink is hers, snatches it from the man's hand and downs the drink in one gulp. Later on the bus, Soo-Jin remembers that she also left her wallet at the convenient store. When goes back to retrieve her wallet, the clerk hands her the wallet and the can of Coke she left behind. Ooops.
One day, while surveying a construction site that her father is in charge of, Soo-Jin sees the same man she mistakenly believed took her drink. The man's name is Chul-Soo and is he the foreman at the construction site. Soo-Jin begins to fall for Chul-Soo and begins to woo him. A relationship develops and Soo-Jin and Chul-Soo eventually marries.
Life seems great for the couple, but Soo-Jin's forgetfulness worsens and she soon
learns she a rare form of Alzheimer’s.
Scurta descriere:Filmul este impartit in patru segmente. Primul segment prezinta intalnirea celor doi, a fetei pe nume Su Jinsi a baiatului pe nume Chul Soo. Al doilea segment prezinta viata lor impreuna ca sot si sotie. Su Jinsi invata sa fie o sotie buna si sotul ei sa aiba grija de ea. Insa pe masura ce segmentul avanseaza, ea incepe sa sufere de amnezie. Din cauza aceasta un incediu are loc din cauza faptului ca ea a uitat cuptorul. Acest lucru si alte incidente, ii fac sa caute ajutor medical. Al treilea segment dezvaluie ca Su Jinsi sufera de Alzheimer. Ea este constienta ca in curand va uita de sotul ei. In ciuda bolii, ei fac promisiunea de a ramane impreuna, si pe masura ce boala progreseaza, incercarile la care este supus cuplul cresc. Al patrulea segment arata ultima faza a bolii lui Su Jinsi si durerea lui Chul Soo din cauza aceasta. Insa el ramane langa Su Jinsi si cand o viziteaza, poarta ochelari de soare pentru ca ea sa nu ii vada lacrimile. Un film emotionant despre o dragoste adevarata si nemuritoare.
Vizionare online:http://www.filmecoreene.com/2010/12/dvdrip-moment-to-remember-2004.html